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Finish, publish and launch your book

with joy and ease

Are you ready
to go from overwhelmed
educator to

Hey Talented Teacher,

How long has it been now that you’ve been holding that dream in your heart?

You know the one.

The dream of getting that book out of your head
and into your hands.

When you dare to step into your fullest power and potential and finally WRITE THAT BOOK,

you not only make your vision a reality

but you also fuel your passion and inspiration for teaching
and for life.

AMPLIFY is for the teacher who is craving to create. She has a passion inside her that needs to be unleashed: a gift inside that needs to be shared with the world.

She’s doing everything “right" and giving her all to teaching and other life obligations, but she somehow still feels stuck. Something inside is yearning to be revealed: an adventurous, daring part of her that needs to break free.

If you are that teacher who has always wanted to write and publish your book,
I'm here to help show you the way!
If you’re ready to make an impact both inside and outside the classroom and experience real joywithout having to quit your passion and your calling to teach—then AMPLIFY might just be for you.

This program is not about more KNOWLEDGE.
Yes, you will gain a ton of knowledge.

But what it’s really about is TIME.

How much more TIME do you want to spend WISHING you were holding your published book in your hands? What would it feel like to accelerate your progress instead of continuing to spin your wheels?

Finishing and publishing a book is not an easy journey, but it doesn’t have to be as hard as it would be without someone there to guide you every step of the way.

In Amplify, I show you how to get your book out of your laptop and into the world where it belongs in a way that leaves you feeling fulfilled, connected, and excited.


“Meredith's guidance is golden! She helped me focus on weekly, productive tasks to help me gain traction toward launching and promoting my first book. Her tech knowledge is incredible. She has vast resources for time-saving apps and free online software platforms. Meredith's gentle demeanor and tactful teaching/ mentoring style were exactly what I needed to get me across the finish line! Her skill and knowledge of the process is impeccable. Her methods are solid, and her integrity and personal attention are priceless!


-holding your published book in your hands
-Hearing your kids say, “My mom is an author!”

-Receiving royalties/payments from your book in your sleep

-Hearing your students say, “Our teacher wrote a book!?!
-Landing interviews on amazing podcasts
-Getting booked to speak at wonderful conferences

-leveraging your book to start, grow, or scale a side business
-Creating a profitable online course from your book
-Waking up not with dread, but with excitement for what the day brings
-Living out your light instead of hiding in the dark
-Finally being in the driver's seat, instead of feeling like life is shuffling you along wherever it pleases
-Feeling lighter, brighter, and more energetic on every level

The question is…HOW?

How can you FIND THE TIME to continue making a difference in the classroom AND actually commit to making your creative dream a reality?
The gurus tell you to just “wake up an hour earlier” or “stay up an hour later,” and your fingers will magically type across that keyboard and you’ll get those pages churned out. What the gurus don’t understand is the reality of your stressful, hectic life as a teacher. What they don’t get is that you’re left wondering how you’ll ever find the energy, much less the time.

The great news is that I walk you through the whole process.
What makes AMPLIFY so powerful is that it has been created by an actual teacher who gets it.

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What’s more: you’ll be part of a group of teachers who understand what it’s like to be a teacher (and/or spouse, partner, parent, family member, volunteer, caregiver, etc.) with a big dream of writing a book.
With all the roles you play, it’s okay that you still have dreams. In AMPLIFY, your dreams will be celebrated, and you will be given the tools to achieve them. You will finally finish that book and get it out into the world.

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AMPLIFY gives you the step-by-step plan that allows you to go from blank page to holding your published book in your hands—without sacrificing your work ethic, your personal and family life, or your priorities.

Your book idea + a mentor + a supportive community of writers = results guaranteed!

Hi, I'm Meredith.

I'm wrapping up my 18th year as a full-time English teacher and am living proof that when you’re connected with a creative passion that’s bigger than you, you get to AMPLIFY your voice, your dreams, and your life.

I first set out to publish my book Captured Fireflies as a “bucket list” item to check off before I turned 40. I had NO IDEA what was in store. It has led to all sorts of new adventures that I wouldn’t trade for anything. At the same time, I don’t want you going through the same mistakes and pitfalls I had to go through. In AMPLIFY, I walk you through the EXACT skills you need to go from “dreaming about it” to “did it!”
If you’re ready to step into your light and share your message with the world, AMPLIFY was created for you.

Isn’t it time to drop the “what ifs” and dare to follow your destiny?

Ready for book tours? Ready to be on podcasts and radio spots?

Ready for book tours? Ready to be on podcasts and radio spots?

Ready to launch at #1?

Ready to speak to groups about your amazing book and hear how it moved them/changed them/brought them to tears?

Ready to speak to groups about your amazing book and hear how it moved them/changed them/brought them to tears?

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“I found out how to set a purpose for writing other than “just because…” You helped me determine a starting place for thinking about the big ideas. It’s so nice to have a support system and someone to hold me accountable!”
-Kayla K.

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“You helped me figure out exactly how to set aside the time needed to write. This was my biggest weakness. I was so excited to see how you planned. I realized there are simpler ways to plan that what I have been overwhelming myself with. The strategies you taught are so simple and a great way to stay organized. You really helped me focus my writing. I never would have approached my book idea in this way and am thankful! -Hailey B.”

AMPLIFY is more than a roadmap:
it’s step-by-step guidance, encouragement, feedback, and accountability… which means you get results.

What’s included in

#1: You’ll MAKE YOUR PLAN.

#1 : You’ll hit the ground running and map out a customized plan tailored to YOU. You’ll be able to pinpoint exactly what’s kept you all this time from writing that book and uproot those limiting beliefs right out of the way so you can churn those pages out and FINISH your book. You’ll get to the root of what’s kept you stuck so that you’re no longer scrambling and spinning your wheels, but instead feeling fueled by passion. When you have a sense of purpose outside of your teaching and family life, nothing can stop you.
#2 You’ll set a launch date that you actually will stick to!

Then you will:

  • outwit your inner critic

  • keep churning pages upon pages

  • stay motivated and focused

#3: With your book to focus on, you’ll realize you have bigger fish to fry. It becomes easier to let all the "should"s melt away. As a result, you become lighter, brighter, and feeling more free - both in and out of the classroom. It won’t be long before your family and your students begin to notice this happier, more energized you.

#4: You’ll get set up for success both in and out of the classroom with practical strategies to navigate your teaching AND your life. You’ll receive my personal vault of classroom management secrets, lesson planning hacks, and time-saving grading secrets that will create the precious hours you need to WRITE THAT BOOK! You’ll also get access to concrete strategies to help you build flourishing relationships with your students, colleagues, and parents. As you unlock an arsenal of self-care tools specifically for teachers with EVERYTHING you need to go from surviving to thriving,you may be surprised to find how easily you begin to go from:
*Overwhelmed to organized
*Frazzled to focused
*Burned out to balanced
*Stressed to streamlined
*Exhausted to energized
*Purposeless to passionate
*Chaotic to calm

#5 You’ll MAKE A CHANGE. You’ll learn how to confidently navigate everything around the book publishing process, from the copyediting to:

  • recruiting beta readers

  • designing/producing the book cover to

  • mapping out your book launch party

  • garnering rave reviews


Now that you’re feeling your absolute happiest and strongest…more confident, more balanced, on top of your schedule, and managing your time…and now that you’ve broken through to top mental, emotional, and physical shape…
you’re ready to cross the finish line to publishing, launching your book and sharing your message with the world.

All of this means you will have EVERYTHING you need to go from no longer frantically spinning your wheels trying to be everything to everyone to confidently and courageously holding a published book in your hands as you whisper (or shriek!) in disbelief:
I did it. I wrote that book! I’m a published author.”

You will come away with:

* a beautiful, polished published book you're proud of

* dozens of tools to outwit your inner critic so that you can be free to shine and dare to achieve all that you are destined to in this life

* side income from your book, as well as avenues you can take will keep growing long after you finish the program

* a new identity as a truly transformed teacher—not only a mover, a shaker, and a moneymaker, but the butterfly that you’ve always been destined to be

If you are at a crossroads and feeling led to transform your life as a teacher and a have some choices here:

Maybe the deep, lasting joy you're looking for will be found if you simply implement more mindfulness strategies and self-care tips...(I tried that)

Maybe you can take the long way around and figure everything out on your own with some blog posts, books, podcasts, and YouTube videos (tried that, too)

Maybe you will achieve a transformation once you finally learn how to "work smarter instead of harder," have more self-discipline, or once you finally find that elusive "work-life balance"...(tried that more times than I'd care to admit!)

Maybe joy will finally come after working a side job and hustling away your nights/weekends/summers just to make enough to supplement your teaching paycheck...(uh...tried that, too, and it made me miserable)

So all those choices are yours, my friend, but they're not what I've found to bring a real transformation in my life or my clients' lives, and I'd venture to guess that if you're here, that's not going to be true for you, either.

Now is your time to own your courage and creativity.

You’re invited to take the first step toward AMPLIFYING your voice and your message today.

If nobody else tells you today, you rock.