
Your Educators

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You know better than anyone that teachers and school leaders are leaving the profession in droves.

Are you a caring, dedicated school leader?

Then you and I need to talk… educator to educator.

You’ve already added more self-care and mindfulness workshops, hoping they would solve the issue.

Your only


The great "Edu-Exit"

is now the new normal.

Why are so many educators leaving?

Why are so many educators leaving?

They can't cope with the stress: not only financially, but emotionally, physically, and mentally

They’re drained, depleted, and demoralized

They're tired of losing control over their emotions & reactions

They’re burned out, overworked, and underappreciated

They have no time or energy to do what they love: teach!

They feel it's too much of an uphill battle to engage and motivate their students

You deserve help with this TODAY.

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"Meredith's the real deal"


"meaningful" • "transformative" • "rejuvenating" • "encouraging" • "supportive" • "Meredith's the real deal" • "life-changing" •

Have you been searching for a professional learning opportunity that
will deliver a meaningful impact?

Do you want to give your educators encouragement that makes a real difference?

Are you looking for specific,
easy-to-implement strategies
to improve teacher morale?

Would you love it if you and your colleagues could get and stay in THRIVING mode?

Hi. I’m Meredith.
And I’m in your corner.

I know firsthand how much you want the best for your staff.

I’m in my 18th year teaching with kids of my own, and I get the need for efficient results that make a true impact.

You’re not asking for much: just a proven plan so that you can help spark a true transformation in your teachers (not just more lip service!)

What Teachers Are Saying

Four To Soar: The Fundamental Keys to THRIVE

A strong sense of total well-being is critical to the success of every teacher, student, administrator, classroom and school and district. In this signature workshop, educators learn how self-care can help them thrive with less stress & more joy. Participants implement a game plan to practice more self-care to improve my overall well-being.

Teach With Less Turbulence

This workshop provides a step-by-step system to help heart-centered, hard-working teachers who are ready to transform from overwhelmed to overjoyed. Included are tools and several hands-on activities to help teachers develop a customized plan for a calmer, more organized state of teaching, learning, and living.

Keep Your Cool In the Classroom No Matter What

Everyone who works with students must come to school with a calm, positive mindset each day. This can be especially challenging in the current teaching climate. This session offers 4 practical and profound tools to help teachers who are feeling stressed and burned out find new ways to stay calm, collected, and confident in the classroom.

How To Fall—and Stay— In Love With Teaching Again

As Tina Turner asked in her hit song, “What’s love got to do with it?”

Better yet, what’s love got to do with teaching?

The answer? A lot!

Teaching is not only a work of heart, as a wise person once said, but it takes HEART and unconditional love to work through the demands and stressors of the job. In this session, educators learn the value of learning from our mistakes, picking back up, and persevering again and again. This is a meaningful session that shows teachers how to give and receive inspiration and encouragement, as well as embrace more opportunities to “feel the love" ourselves.

How To Reconnect With Your Passion For Teaching

The dread and sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach extinguishes a teacher's passion for teaching. In this workshop, educators learn invaluable tools and techniques to rediscover and reconnect with the joy, magic, and sense of adventure that teaching can still be.

What To Do When the Going Gets Tough

“Me, having a problem?” our demeanor and carriage convey to our colleagues and students. “Never!”

Too often, we hide our emotions and make teaching appear effortless and seamless. In this meaningful session, educators will learn how to invest their time and energy into making changes and taking actions that can lead to breakthrough in finding more time, energy, focus, balance, and confidence. Educators will walk away with tools to apply immediately in helping them feel more emotional resilience and mental balance.

Your Customizable Options

Transformed Teacher workshops deliver. The unique, transformative tools of the training are based on the latest findings in SEL, my 18 years of full-time classroom teaching experience, and the principles in my book
Captured Fireflies: Truths, Mistakes, & Other Gifts Of Being an English Teacher and the Transformed Teacher curriculum. Your teachers and staff will be motivated to engage in an energizing, meaningful experience that truly transforms their approach to teaching and life.

Reaching Young People Today In a Way That Works

The world of teachers and education has completely changed--whether for the worse or better depends on our perspective. What worked back then doesn’t necessarily work now.

Extraordinary teachers have a skill set to connect with all students and deliver highly effective instruction. These are learnable skills and have more to do with a willingness to grow and less to do with a teacher's innate personality. This session focuses on what teachers can do to achieve this.

From Frazzled To Focused

In this session, educators unlock invaluable secrets to feeling more present, balanced, immersed, clear, engaged, and attentive in the classroom and beyond..

From Exhausted To Energized

As the saying goes, “Ain’t no tired like teacher tired.” This workshop dives right in with proven, practical ways to replace that exhaustion with more ENERGY. In addition to quick wins that glean immediate results during the workshop, we also go deeper into a long-term sustainable plan to create more energy in the classroom and beyond.

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