The Change Is In the Challenge

The summer months are for us to enjoy ourselves, and they’re also a time to nourish our souls.
But even in the summer, we can still experience stress.

Do you ever wonder how to get through those times in life when our souls feel cooped up, stressed out, and in need of a miracle to help motivate us through a challenge?

How can we allow challenges to help us change for the better and the long-term?

Click HERE to listen to the latest episode of the Transformed Teacher podcast, where we’re exploring this topic so you can have some extra support when it comes to getting what you need to help you feel less stuck and worthy of living with joy, peace, and freedom.

When challenges arise, you can feel your feelings first.
Don't suppress them.
When life gets in the way, it can be all too easy to ignore the soul and bypass the heart, instead allowing the mind to keep racing along the same hamster wheel on autopilot every day.
If we allow that to happen too often, it can be toxic.
You don't have to pretend to be strong and positive and amazing and peppy and have all the solutions.
It's safe to feel angry.
It's safe to feel sad.
It's safe to feel scared.
Instead of avoiding complex emotions, we can surrender to the waves and allow them to wash over us without taking us under.
It's safe to give ourselves time to pause, reset, and invest time and energy into whatever we need for healing to happen.
That's when real change can begin.
That's when we can remember who we truly are instead of going along with the stories we're told about "how we're supposed to be,” which only lead to resentment and burnout.
You are not stuck.
You've got what it takes to get back up and live with joy, peace, and freedom.
If nobody else tells you today, you rock!

Remember Who You Are


From Overwhelmed To Organized: 3 Steps