From Overwhelmed To Organized: 3 Steps

This time of year doesn't have to get the best of you.

Go from overwhelmed to organized by starting with these 3 steps.

1) Pinpoint your why. What do you need to make you feel excited about going into your space each day? What's going to support you in creating an environment conducive to learning, engagement, growth, and FUN?

2) As often as possible, try to get students to help you with creating and maintaining an orderly environment. Students LOVE to help you. Let them! They want to feel valued and purposeful in your class. (This goes for high schoolers, too!)

3) Remember that you're worth it. You deserve to have systems that work for you. You are worthy of having a clean, open space that makes your heart rate go down and makes you feel calm. This starts with shifting the self-talk from negative to a little more positive. If you found this helpful, click the link in my bio for more resources and support. If nobody else tells you today, you rock!

(For more on this topic, check out my book Freed To Teach: 7 Keys To Thrive In an Era Of Uncertainty.)


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